Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What's your mountain theme?

I’ve recently talked a little with different folks about how music relates to skiing and being in a mountain environment. One thing to distinguish is that there is a huge difference from music you listen to on the mountain while you’re skiing, music you go to hear at a local bar or après venue, and music you think about when you picture mountain living. I know this may sound a little odd, but if you could suspend normal thinking for a moment picture you last trip to Telluride or Tahoe or wherever. If there was a soundtrack for the places you ski, what would be on it? I recall watching movies form the 70’s and 80’s that had a lot of country/western in them. I can see this; mountains have that rugged feeling that comes through particularly well in such music. So I pose the question of what musicians and types of music you associate with your favorite ski town. I’m still working on a list for mine, but for any town surrounding Lake Tahoe, it really is country/western all the way; John Denver, in particular. While most people associate him with Aspen – and they should as he lived there a long time – he lived on the South Shore for a while and performed annual events there throughout the 70’s and 80’s. Your turn!

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