It was a little over a decade a go when the good folks of Bethel, Maine set a world record by erecting the world’s largest snowman. His name was Angus, which was the name of our governor at the time. So it came as no surprise when the same good folks of Bethel decided that the world record needed to get broken. Why? Because aside from snowmobiling, skiing, and watching the snow pile up... literally, there isn't much else to do around these parts. Okay, there's hunting, but it's highly seasonal. Now just so people know, Bethel isn't afraid to shy away from a challange and this record re-certification is not because someone else built a bigger snowman - no one tried. Armed with snowmaking machines from Sunday River and owners Boyne USA, Bethel’s newest “Snowwoman” was built and her name is Olympia – pun intended. For the record, Olympia stands at over 122 feet tall and her eye lashes are made of skis. The eyes and buttons are made of 5-foot in diameter rubber tires. I've heard some estimates of the total weight being in the millions, but yikes, that sounds like a lot. Regardless, this is a pretty cool site, especially up close.
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